S1C Presale


Airdrop Started For SGFX Holders

2 years ago

Presale Started Target Addresses 900

2 years ago

Connect Wallet

Network: BEP20

We made the presale process secure. You will be able to claim your S1C via our airdrop page within 24 hrs of buying S1C. Simply follow the steps below.

1. Purchase your S1C
2. Notify Admin through the support chat
3. You will be able to claim your S1C via this page within 24 hours.

Presale Status

Presale Price

Total Ordered 55556 S1C

Target Addresses 900

Unique Address 1

Recent Transaction

Purchased Wallet : 0x8faea67e282fd08e12f985fbb431d72012315357 Transaction Hash: 0x936858a9a45e1357cb581ecfad4dc0cc12194f383044353bb63523fa80830054

2 years ago

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